Monday, 3 May 2010

The Importance of Sleep!

Whoever created human beings was very smart and prophetic. He predicted that we humans will engage in different kinds of abuse and do harm to our health during our active part of the day. So the Creator magically cursed us with everyday sleep so that no matter what we do in the daytime, at night our sleep prevents us from continuing the insanity of the day. Every single person in the world must lie down and stay motionless for at least 8 hours everyday. We are unable to drink, smoke or overeat when we are asleep. No matter what damage we do to ourselves in the daytime, at night our bodies are healing themselves.

Our body is trying to reach homeostasis during the night hours in order to heal. However, we humans have succeeded in our destructive behavior during the day such that it even impairs our nighttime sleep. Very often we don’t realize how little things can harm our health. I would like to share several observations with you.

1. Sleep in the fresh air, where possible: When God created the earth, 55% of the air was composed of oxygen. We have cut down most of the forests and jungles, covered lots of soil with concrete. Now the amount of oxygen in the air is 12-19% depending on where you are. In our bedroom the oxygen content is only about 6%. Why does it seem to be too time consuming for us to open the window before going to bed? Remember, that 75% of our bodily metabolic waste is supposed to be eliminated through the lungs.

90 day Green Smoothie Challenge?!!!

I'm inspired by the lovely Michelle to to a 90 day juice feasting challenge!