Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Hydrate naturally with ..........

Cucumber, basil, lime.....

Coconut water, cucumber, mint...

Orange, lemon, basil.....

Ginger ale poured over lavender-infused lemonade....

Monday, 4 October 2010


October 4th Balance

Do not make unimportant things important, nor concentrate on trifles at the expense of vital matters, or you will hamper your progress. Impulsive actions that are not in keeping with one's duties are undesirable. --Paramahansa Yogananda, in a "Para-gram"

Monday, 5 July 2010

Luscious, lemony delight!

Appreciated a rather healthy and scrummy concoction(raw vegan cereal:) of sprouted buckwheat, ripe bananas and the juice of 1 lemon. This was especially sublime as this was a experiential dish full of bioflavonoids, amino acids, calcium, rutin, b vitamins, vitamin c and would make an ideal healthy fuel start for all the family(I'm sure growing children would appreciate this:). I was soo exited that I had to share this yummy recipe with ya all!


Wednesday, 30 June 2010

I am Blessed!

I am Blessed!

I appreciated a scrummy kale salad(I adore kale and I'm determined to grow it in my garden forest when circumstances allow:) with the most deliciously-juicy sweet cherry tomatoes on the vine, garlic, pink salt, lime juice, rocket, red bell pepper, chili and olive oil dressing. It has to be one's favourite balanced meal in the Universe!

Raw Power!

The beauty of raw food

One of the best ways to improve the appearance of your skin is by incorporating raw food into your diet. By eating raw nutritionally-rich foods you can feed your skin with many of the nutrients contained in beauty products, such as enzymes, vitamin E, phytochemicals, antioxidants and coenzyme Q10. But unlike beauty products, these feed the entire body and skin from the inside out. Perhaps beauty really is on the inside after all.

Heating food above 41°C destroys the enzymes as well as up to 50 per cent of the protein and 70–90 per cent of the vitamins and minerals. Eating enzyme-rich raw foods decreases the amount of digestive enzymes your body has to produce. A drained enzyme supply can result in vitamin and mineral deficiencies, premature ageing and low energy.

Raw foods high in enzymes include bean sprouts, papaya and pineapple, but all fresh fruits and vegetables contain them.

Free radicals damage your skin and interfere with collagen production, causing premature ageing. Antioxidants contained in food counteract free radicals. Berries, especially blueberries, are potent antioxidants that promote collagen, which reduces wrinkles. Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and grapefruit help rid the body of free radicals, keeping the skin looking young. Foods high in the antioxidant beta carotene, including carrots and apricots, protect the skin against sun damage.

Coenzyme Q10 is a potent antioxidant that can destroy free radicals, to slow ageing and aid the body’s energy processes. CoQ10 is present in every cell in the body, but levels diminish with age. CoQ10-rich foods include spinach, broccoli and peanuts.

Antioxidant alpha-lipoic acid has a similar function to CoQ10, but also boosts the strength of other antioxidants such as vitamins C and E. Alpha-lipoic acid can be found in spinach, brewer’s yeast, broccoli, tomatoes and peas.

Sulphur is a mineral present in every cell in your body and is needed in collagen production and for healthy skin, hair, nails and joints. It is also known to help improve skin conditions such as acne. Organic sulphur levels in food are lost when processed, heated or dried. Sulphur-rich foods include asparagus, broccoli, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, red pepper, garlic, onion, watercress and kale.

Silicone is an essential trace mineral needed for healthy skin, hair, nails and bones, but levels in the body decrease with age. Fruits and vegetables are the richest source of silicone. Good sources include apples, oranges, cherries, grapes, strawberries, beetroot, cucumber, carrots and green leafy vegetables.

Phytochemicals are found in plants and help the body defend against damage. They are also said to have anti-ageing properties. Phytochemicals can be found in berries, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, spinach, carrots, cocoa and bell pepper.

Raw nuts and seeds are high in vitamin E, which is especially beneficial to the skin. Olives, papaya and greens are also good sources of vitamin E. Selenium keeps the skin elastic and can be found in garlic, onions and shallots.

Eating raw foods also helps the body eliminate toxins, which can negatively affect skin health and vitality. Your body’s largest toxin elimination system is your digestive tract, which functions efficiently when supplied with healthy raw foods. Adding vitamin and mineral-rich sea vegetables to your diet can also help to get rid of toxins, as will drinking plenty of filtered water.

Raw Power!

The beauty of raw food

One of the best ways to improve the appearance of your skin is by incorporating raw food into your diet. By eating raw nutritionally-rich foods you can feed your skin with many of the nutrients contained in beauty products, such as enzymes, vitamin E, phytochemicals, antioxidants and coenzyme Q10. But unlike beauty products, these feed the entire body and skin from the inside out. Perhaps beauty really is on the inside after all.

Heating food above 41°C destroys the enzymes as well as up to 50 per cent of the protein and 70–90 per cent of the vitamins and minerals. Eating enzyme-rich raw foods decreases the amount of digestive enzymes your body has to produce. A drained enzyme supply can result in vitamin and mineral deficiencies, premature ageing and low energy.

Raw foods high in enzymes include bean sprouts, papaya and pineapple, but all fresh fruits and vegetables contain them.

Free radicals damage your skin and interfere with collagen production, causing premature ageing. Antioxidants contained in food counteract free radicals. Berries, especially blueberries, are potent antioxidants that promote collagen, which reduces wrinkles. Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and grapefruit help rid the body of free radicals, keeping the skin looking young. Foods high in the antioxidant beta carotene, including carrots and apricots, protect the skin against sun damage.

Coenzyme Q10 is a potent antioxidant that can destroy free radicals, to slow ageing and aid the body’s energy processes. CoQ10 is present in every cell in the body, but levels diminish with age. CoQ10-rich foods include spinach, broccoli and peanuts.

Antioxidant alpha-lipoic acid has a similar function to CoQ10, but also boosts the strength of other antioxidants such as vitamins C and E. Alpha-lipoic acid can be found in spinach, brewer’s yeast, broccoli, tomatoes and peas.

Sulphur is a mineral present in every cell in your body and is needed in collagen production and for healthy skin, hair, nails and joints. It is also known to help improve skin conditions such as acne. Organic sulphur levels in food are lost when processed, heated or dried. Sulphur-rich foods include asparagus, broccoli, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, red pepper, garlic, onion, watercress and kale.

Silicone is an essential trace mineral needed for healthy skin, hair, nails and bones, but levels in the body decrease with age. Fruits and vegetables are the richest source of silicone. Good sources include apples, oranges, cherries, grapes, strawberries, beetroot, cucumber, carrots and green leafy vegetables.

Phytochemicals are found in plants and help the body defend against damage. They are also said to have anti-ageing properties. Phytochemicals can be found in berries, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, spinach, carrots, cocoa and bell pepper.

Raw nuts and seeds are high in vitamin E, which is especially beneficial to the skin. Olives, papaya and greens are also good sources of vitamin E. Selenium keeps the skin elastic and can be found in garlic, onions and shallots.

Eating raw foods also helps the body eliminate toxins, which can negatively affect skin health and vitality. Your body’s largest toxin elimination system is your digestive tract, which functions efficiently when supplied with healthy raw foods. Adding vitamin and mineral-rich sea vegetables to your diet can also help to get rid of toxins, as will drinking plenty of filtered water.

Saturday, 26 June 2010

Hemp Power!

Why Hemp?

The humble hemp seed is the most sustainable crop on earth! It's versatility is just mind-blowing! Unlike cotton production which poisons agriculture workers, uses up resources and contaminates water supplies, hemp grows abundantly without the use of fertilises and vast amounts of water.

*As a food it's a complete protein source as well as being a powerhouse of omega 3 essential fatty acids(essential for a healthy brain and heart:). These good fats help you to release excess weight unlike the undesirable trans fats in processed foods.

* As a clean fuel source unlike fossil fuels(oils, coal, tar etc.) that pollute and contaminate land and rivers significantly contributing to global warming and the mess we're in now.

* Hemp makes an excellent and durable fabric for clothes(bags, diapers etc.) and has far superior tensell strengh to cotton and repels more ultra violet rays then any other fabric.

*Hemp makes excellent ethical, skincare preparations(moisturizers etc.) it must be down to all the nourishing omega 3 essential fatty acids(I especially love the UK-made Yeoh brand:)

* Hemp makes a ethically-sourced paper unlike tree paper!

*The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was a disaster waiting to happen Oil is far from ethical and ultimate kills many lives on land and sea. People go to war over oil, fueling the ego and greed mentality. It plays a huge contribution to the deforestation of the rainforests(whether for animal production, industry or paper production) is wide-spread pollution and environmental degradation on a global scale. We can't plant enough trees, they're our lifeblood! I'm scared for our children's future. Ultimately, all this is down to is unnecessary irresponsible human behaviour. Time to mend our ways perhaps?

* Reuse, Recycle, Reduce

* Eat and wear Hemp(Go vegan, eat a plant-based high-water fueled diet:)!

* Pratise Yoga / Meditation

Friday, 25 June 2010

Sunny Daze!

I appreciated a lovely, light and hydrating breakfast of organic cucumbers, Granny Smith / green apple and fresh strawberries making us feel wonderfully-light and energetically-vibrant like a child!

Eating high-water foods will change your life. Your eyes will sparkle, your skin will clear, your elimination will be easy, in fact, most everything will change, including how many times a day you need to go pee! :)
That's okay! Getting to know the nearest bathrooms is not always a bad thing.

If you are already a intuitive eater, then you are probably ahead of the pack in this area provided you are avoiding salt that will cause us to retain water. Salt (sodium chloride) is a poison that the body needs to dilute with retaining water to keep it away from the delicate tissues of the body.

We need natural sodium found in coconuts, celery, greens and some melons to keep us hydrated. Normal Walker, author of the book "What's Missing in Your Body" about Vegetable and fruit juices said that celery juice is the perfect solution to hot weather and keeps us cool. Intuitive eaters in general have body temperatures about 5degrees less than SAD eaters due to the fact that the body does not have to create a fever to "burn" up the heavier concentrated foods like starches, proteins and fats. These foods "sludge up" the circulation of the body and make it have to work harder.

Juicy fruits and veggies are the best for weight-loss. The reason for this is their cleansing ability. Also, in the book "Your Body's Many Cries for Water" it tells us that many cravings we get are because we are mistake thirst for hunger(If in doubt drink some water:0).

I'm no physician but in my humble opinion the best hydration natural drink solution to consume is pure coconut water(Perfect balance of hydrating electrolytes for the human body and therefore perfect for sports enthusiasts, mums-to-be, children and elderly alike:). Closely followed by awesome combo of organic celery and bananas. This is also great after a workout or strenuous activity. Let's no forget the humble fruit tomato, full of lycopene makes it a natural sun preventative measure too! This does not mean to disregard the slip, slop, slap(slip on a shirt, slop on some sunscreen, slap on a hat)mantra. Common sense still prevails!

Monday, 3 May 2010

The Importance of Sleep!

Whoever created human beings was very smart and prophetic. He predicted that we humans will engage in different kinds of abuse and do harm to our health during our active part of the day. So the Creator magically cursed us with everyday sleep so that no matter what we do in the daytime, at night our sleep prevents us from continuing the insanity of the day. Every single person in the world must lie down and stay motionless for at least 8 hours everyday. We are unable to drink, smoke or overeat when we are asleep. No matter what damage we do to ourselves in the daytime, at night our bodies are healing themselves.

Our body is trying to reach homeostasis during the night hours in order to heal. However, we humans have succeeded in our destructive behavior during the day such that it even impairs our nighttime sleep. Very often we don’t realize how little things can harm our health. I would like to share several observations with you.

1. Sleep in the fresh air, where possible: When God created the earth, 55% of the air was composed of oxygen. We have cut down most of the forests and jungles, covered lots of soil with concrete. Now the amount of oxygen in the air is 12-19% depending on where you are. In our bedroom the oxygen content is only about 6%. Why does it seem to be too time consuming for us to open the window before going to bed? Remember, that 75% of our bodily metabolic waste is supposed to be eliminated through the lungs.

90 day Green Smoothie Challenge?!!!

I'm inspired by the lovely Michelle to to a 90 day juice feasting challenge!